Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

Plug & Play Enterprise Solutions

We specialize in mixed reality and web3 solutions that are plug-and-play ready for our enterprise partners.

Many of these solutions are affordable and easy to implement into any existing ecosystem. Here are just some of our amazing products:

QR Code to Augmented Reality

Any product or person projected in Augmented Reality using a QR Code.

Scan to Augmented Reality

Enhance any 2D or 3D scan with amazing Augmented Reality.

Digital Coupons and Tickets

Digital coupons and ticket concepts for enterprise and association use.

Corporate Mixed Reality and Web3 Package

Includes product QR to AR, Digital wallets with air-drop capability, Digital Commerce, virtual meeting events, and more.

Enterprise Digital Wallet Set-up

Global digital commerce and air-drop concepts. Secure and accessible global networking, for internal or external enterprise functionality.

Digital Twins

Digital twins for corporate products, spaces, and web3 corporate identity. Making digital and global commerce a reality for corporations. Searchable on all major web3 browsers.

Custom Immersive
Technology Solutions

Digital Twin Technology

Concepts for corporate products, and concepts.

Augmented Reality Apps

Start delivering your products to your clients in an AR setting.

Product Try-on Application

Concepts for corporate products, spaces, and concepts.

Holograms Experiences

Place an employee, anywhere on the planet.

Enterprise 3D Scans

AR and VR overlays. Compatible with Matterport scans.

Custom Metaverse

Concepts for corporate products, spaces, and concepts.

AR Glass Functionality

For enterprise use.

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Web3 Products

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Emilia Clarke
Corporate Digital Wallet Package
Global connectivity, including air-drop utility.
Emilia Clarke
Digital Coupons
Captive, immersive, and builds your corporate brand.
Emilia Clarke
Digital Passes
Used for memberships for associations and businesses.
Emilia Clarke
Custom Utility NFT Concepts
Developed with digital commerce as the baseline.
Emilia Clarke
Corporate Decentralized Twin Concepts
Minting corporate structure and messaging to a secure global audience. Permanent and accessible using blockchain technology.
Emilia Clarke
DAO, DO, and DSAO Creation
All decentralized on-chain development and minting services.
Emilia Clarke
Digital Commerce
All services related to selling products and services in the digital universe.
Emilia Clarke
Smart Contract Development
Includes interoperability concepts. If you just need the best blockchain engineer expertise.
// Get in touch! We are here to answer your questions.